Back to Basics - How to make eating healthy easier

All the people that know me know that I live a very healthy lifestyle. Many are proud of me, and others think I am crazy, but I`m cool with that. I know that many would like to adopt parts of my lifestyle, but sometimes don’t necessarily know where to start. I am currently following the Paleolithic way of eating, but before I even blog about that (which will not be today), I want to share with you the basics. I want to share with you what I practice in my life on a regular basis, so that when you are ready to take more steps to your optimal lifestyle for eating, you have a great baseline to start from.

Taking on a healthier approach to eating, depending on which principals you decide on following takes effort. There are two common excuses I hear all the time.

Excuse #1 - I don’t cook
 If you are not used to being in the kitchen to prepare food, it`s not easy and you may not be comfortable or know where to start. But over time it does become more enjoyable and a lot easier because you know what to expect. We all have to start somewhere.

Excuse #2 - I don’t have time
Before I hear you say, “I don’t have time”, I say “Bull S**T! J” For real, if you have time to sit at home and watch TV for the night, play games, go out for drinks, you are just not taking time “out” of your busy schedule for your own health. I can’t speak for people with children because that is a whole other ball game that I have not yet had to deal with in my life. But I know there are ways to getting around it because I work with some amazing men and women that find the time.

Below are my tried and tested tips on starting off on the right foot and having the ability to keep healthy eating a priority in your life!

Tips to making eating healthier easier

Stock up on good food
I absolutely love grocery shopping. I love picking out my fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts and super foods. I make food a priority in my life, and I spend a lot of money on it. I am not saying you have to spend a lot on it, but spend it on what you like, and what you will eat. Don’t just buy it because you know it is good for you, but then a week later it is rotten in the fridge and you have to throw it out.

Buy yourself a fun food item
A fun food item is anything that you have been wanting to try for a long time, but it is not justifiable because of the price. For example, I just bought avocado oil for the first time and it cost me $15. I make salad dressings all the time, and knew that I would use it on the regular, so it ends up being a worthwhile splurge. Once you buy this item, you will be excited to use it because it is something that can spice up your meals.

Organize your food
Keeping everything organized makes it easier to see everything and use. Believe it or not, when you see it all when preparing a meal, you can get more creative. The picture here is a part of one of my cupboards. As you see I love using mason jars to show off my nuts, seeds, super foods (not pictured) and anything else that would be acceptable to be mason jarred. I find that it is easier for me to track when I am getting low on something. A 12 pack can be found at Canadian Tire for $7.

Enjoy the time you prepare food
I have the tiniest kitchen, and the worst part, it is not open to my living room where my TV is. I love having the TV on or movies playing while preparing food. I usually settle on just listening to the TV, but have gone as far as bringing a mirror out to watch the reflection from the TV. I also love listening to music, or talking on the phone (headphones in ears so that my shoulder doesn’t get a cramp from trying to hold the phone up). For those of you who have an open concept place, you are lucky because at least you can still enjoy your shows while preparing your food.

Don’t waste your vegetables
I am guilty for letting food go to waste, and it has happened a lot. The reason why this happened is because I didn't take the time to prepare it. For the items that are going to go faster, I wash them, cut them up, and store them in a container. The biggest items that I do on the regular are salads, and raw vegetables.

For my salads, I take huge container, cut up all the leaves, onions, and any other "base" items that I want in my salad. When I have to prepare a salad for work the next day, I get another container and take out these "base" ingredients and add in what I called the “Glamour” ingredients followed by my home-made salad dressing. Glamour ingredients include fruits, avocado, nuts and protein.

Whatever raw vegetables I want to munch on as a snack, I pre-cut them and also store them. I will take a handful from each container and put it in a baggy for work, or for on the go. One tip, celery usually can get weak a few days after cutting it up. I store it in water so they can last the entire week. But when taking to work the next day, you don’t need to keep it in water.

Portion your meat and prepare it early
When I buy a big gigantic pack of meat, I will split it up in individual portions. This saves time and money since I am not cooking them all at once, or trying to separate it with a sharp knife when frozen because I only want one piece. I use Ziploc bags to separate everything.

When I am ready to cook the meat, I usually marinate it the night before so that it is ready to cook the next day. But if you have time on the weekend to make a batch of meat for a few days, even better. My advice if you are not yet much of a cook, don’t prepare meat for more than 2 or 3 days…you will usually get sick of eating the same thing, unless you can jazz it up in different meals.

Bake your own treats
Eating treats are definitely one way to sabotage your healthy eating. Sometimes we become like ravenous lions and want to eat everything in sight. When you make your own treats, you know exactly what goes in it, and will appreciate it more when it comes to those times you succumb to your cravings. I suggest baking a healthy treat over the weekend and saving it for when that moment arises, because we know that time will happen at least once in  a week. A way to make it fun is to do it with a partner. It makes the process that much more enjoyable, you are creating memories, and you can share it too!

When you run out of something, write it down
I have a chalk board decal on my wall in my kitchen. Whenever I am close to running out of something, I write it down. Before I go to the grocery store, I take a picture of it, and then I have my grocery list right there. There are so many ways to track this from a pad of paper and a pen, a dry erase board, or entering it on an app. Whichever way works for you is all that matters.

Time to get started
I know that this seems like a lot and it will take a lot of time…I am not going to lie, it will. But once you get used to the process, you will find your way of doing it, your own short cuts, and eating healthy will be a breeze because you found your way of preparing your meals. If you have a partner that you live with, ask them to help you. Preparing all this for you and someone else can get tiring, and you may get annoyed that you are doing all the work, and they just get to eat it! Having a supportive partner who understands your goals is very important in living a healthy lifestyle.

I hate when people say, “I’m on a diet”. Diets suck and don’t work. We all know that because we have tried our hand at a diet or two or ten in our lives. You need to remember that this is a lifestyle choice, and eating this way is a lifestyle. But for it to be a lifestyle, you need to make it an important part of life.

A few key things to remember when considering a lifestyle change:
  • Instead of thinking about the immediate weight loss gains, think about when you are old, and start slowing down…you want to be the best you can be, and not be slowed down because of the bad food choices you decided to make all your life.
  • Don`t always think instant gratification, think delayed satisfaction.
  • And to losing weight, it didn`t take a few days to put it on, so don’t think it will take a few healthy meals to take it off.

To eating, living, and loving life.


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